Monday, March 31, 2008

remember when our short runs used to be our long runs?

38:58 (4.0 mi)

9:13:50 (1.1535 mi)
8:00 pace

29:45:07 (2.8465)
10:30 pace


ran the first mile at BQ pace. sucked after that.

took sunday off. the key for the next two weeks is not mileage, it's consistency -- I have SO much shit going on in my life for the next 2 weeks that honestly, if I run a 20-30 mi/wk then I'll be happy. I'm going to literally have to sneak in runs next week based on the fact that I will be on site working 24/7....

Saturday, March 29, 2008

run run run as fast as you can...

total: 58:41 (6.229)
9:25 pace. getting a little faster?

7:05:49 (0.9186)
7:43 pace
7:59:13 (0.8947)
8:56 pace
12:04:26 (1.1839)
10:12 pace
7:45:20 (0.8489)
9:08 pace
23:46:25 (2.3829)
9:58 pace (ewwwwwww)

Friday, March 28, 2008

the more you give, the more you get. love running more.

total time: 57:10:51
9:30 pace

6:19:77 (0.7051 mi)
9:00 pace
7:45:46 (0.8839 mi)
8:45 pace
11:40:38 (1.1815 mi) RIDICULOUS HILL right at the start of this segment. ugh.
9:53 pace
7:55:51 (0.8425) hills section... ouch. this hurt today more than normal. time for new shoes? already?
9:25 pace
23:29:39 (2.387) another bad hill. this is why i run this route.

I suck during the middle of runs. we know this.
I was semi-fatigued today. I don't think I posted my splits/times from yesterday and it looks like my watch destroyed them. whoopsies. anyways, I rocked (sarcasm) 10 minute miles. don't get it after 2 rest days, but whatever.

planning a 10 tomorrow morning and a 12 for sunday, if I'm not hurting.

aiming for 35 this week, ramping it back up to 40-45 next week then who the hell knows what the week after.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


super super tired/zapped AGAIN. inexplicably this time. took 2 back to back rest days, that means I gotta crank dat straight through the weekend.... 6mi planned today (when I finish typing this) at recovery level, 6mi tomorrow again at lazy pace with some tempo on the hills section, long run saturday morning, probably 12-14 mi, depending.

up & out! stupid fatigue.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

rest day

walked around a bit, rubbed my sore muscles (owch) and iced my shins (darn stomping... I'm inefficient) and worked on a construction project for a charity I'm involved with for ~2hrs after work. Tonight, I'm going out and having a few drinks for a friend's birthday, then going to work tomorrow AM.

Planning on getting in around 7:30am so I can cut out around 3:30pm, make it home by 4, crank out 6 miles and go to a social engagement at 5:30. Sweet.

Monday, March 24, 2008

i had a lovely afternoon snack of sweat and hills.

Ran this for 6 easy ones, plus warm up/cooldown.

Highlights include:
first 1.6 in ~12:00 (7:30 pace)
last 2.4 in 22:50 (ok, 9:30 isn't that hot...)

died on the mile of hills. oops.

total in 56:30 (avg split 9:25... we need to shave 90 seconds off that sucker)

all in all, came out too fast, blew on the hills, recovered but not enough on the flats on the way back and also hit another 1/2 mile worth of "hills 'o' death" (anything about a 5% grade screws me bad).

so last night i hit the sack super early (10pm) so I'd be recovered, rested, nice words that start with "r" will continue, read to run, etc. I went to sleep at 3am. I got up at midnight and fed myself, thinking I was just hungry (post-run I tend to be STARVING but after a smoothie am like "ok, no more food") and then stayed up for another 3 hours not being able to sleep... annoying. I was cracked out at work today all day from and now... I'm not really that tired. hopefully I'll be able to hit the pillow in a little while, because I can't handle the schedule shift!


but heading out now for an easy 6.2.... eval when I get back and the story behind my crazy fatigue.