Friday, March 28, 2008

the more you give, the more you get. love running more.

total time: 57:10:51
9:30 pace

6:19:77 (0.7051 mi)
9:00 pace
7:45:46 (0.8839 mi)
8:45 pace
11:40:38 (1.1815 mi) RIDICULOUS HILL right at the start of this segment. ugh.
9:53 pace
7:55:51 (0.8425) hills section... ouch. this hurt today more than normal. time for new shoes? already?
9:25 pace
23:29:39 (2.387) another bad hill. this is why i run this route.

I suck during the middle of runs. we know this.
I was semi-fatigued today. I don't think I posted my splits/times from yesterday and it looks like my watch destroyed them. whoopsies. anyways, I rocked (sarcasm) 10 minute miles. don't get it after 2 rest days, but whatever.

planning a 10 tomorrow morning and a 12 for sunday, if I'm not hurting.

aiming for 35 this week, ramping it back up to 40-45 next week then who the hell knows what the week after.

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